Well folks, the first half of the season is complete. It has been an excellent year so far to say the least. Lets just pray they keep flying… Here on the west coast Red Heads, Buffle Heads and Blue Bills have been excellent. Most hunters are limiting out on Red Heads every day with a few other birds mixed in their bag. A few Rare birds have been killed as well including Scoters, Golden Eyes and Pintails.
Earlier in the season we had excellent Teal and Shoveler flocks working the salt marsh. Although most birds were just passing through, we were able to establish several cut off points where the birds would work and let you get a few shots. Since the beginning of the season we have not had many puddle-ducks stop through again. Hopefully these cold fronts keep rolling in and we get another good push of dabblers. Ill keep scouting, you keep shooting!
Ill keep you posted, Sawyer